Monday, February 25, 2008

665 Question Week 2/25

Melissa asks: How did you select the tech you are utilizing in my ARP, are my learners engaged in their learning? Why or why not?

I am using SketchUp which is a 3D auto drafting program that google offers for free (Basic package). I am also using Blogs (wordlpress) for my students to reflect and keep a journal of their process through this class.

Are my students engaged with their learning? I would say that their are more engaged than they have ever been in the 12 years that I have taught. I have some of their parents wondering a bit why their child is staying up so late at night working on ideas, sketches, planning and researching. I find it exciting and motivating for my self to watch them so excited about what they are doing and the results of their experiences.

I am still having a really hard time not telling them the answers all the time. I have found that I mostly do this because there is always such a shortage of time in class. I am getting better, it is hard though.


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