Sunday, July 20, 2008


Reflection: How has the course been effective in broadening your perspective and skill set for managing technology for change?

It has helped me focus on my abilities and how to share those with others through my e-portfolio. This class opened the door of possibilities for me with the use of technology and how we can use it for change. I do understand that technology doesn't take the place of people, but that it can aid in the learning process. I have also experienced the process of change within myself with the use of technology within my classroom.


Reflection: What types of influence do I have in my current local and global communities? How can I expand that influence?

I have very little influence at the current because I am new to the school district. Each day I have been trying to reach out to others to get to know them and build relationships. I need to get involved in the States Industrial Arts and Technology Educations Organizations. By getting involved in my community and at the state level, I feel I can share my excitement about the learning process and spread the gospel of what learning can look like.


Reflection: From where does global change derive? How can we use global change to promote deeper learning across the globe?

This questions seems to be a continuation of 6/16's question. All change comes from within the individual which can then spread to others through modeling and leadership.

With the ability for more of the globe to access the internet daily, enables us to be more connected globally. That in it's self will enable the global community to learn from each other and expand learning opportunities and knowledge building experiences.


Reflection: In-class discussion with guest speakers around the value of making “connections” with your learning community.

I have always known that many times it is who you know, not what you know. Reaching out to others and making connections within my learning community has allowed me to make connections outside and expand the community. It has opened up doors that I never thought were possible or even known were there. It has been a very enlightening experience to open my self up to others and what they have to offer. It seems so funny I have not done this in the past because people who are passionate about what they do are also passionate about sharing it with others.


Reflection: From where does personal and local change derive? How can we use change to promote deeper learning as individuals and in our local settings?

Personal change can only come from within, but what can promote that? I think watching others who are passionate about what they are doing can promote an excitement to change ones self. Once an individual changes them self then they can model that behavior or excitement to others.

I have just accepted a new job and I am working on using this change to promote deeper learning for myself and finding ways to share this with others that I will be working with to promote an excitement for learning for the students as well as the teachers.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

6/9 Reflection

How does globalization change the needs and demands on US, K12, higher education and corporate learning environments?

The first demand is finding new ways to communicate through the use of technology, be it video conferencing or holographic simulation. Being able to access knowledge from all parts of the world enables groups of people to have greater access to knowledge to solve problems.

What does k12 need to do, they need to create an environment where students can develop greater problem solving skills. A place where there is not a limit to possibilities and solutions to problems. A place where expert learning can occur at a much younger age that will carry on throughout their lives.

5/26 Reflection

Where do you see technology & education developing next? How do you think the symbiotic relationship between the two will evolve over the next 10 years?

I see that technology will continue to be a focus in the school systems in the future, but the intent and use of that technology will vary. I am afraid that education as we know it now will continue to be the same in the future as a whole. People for some reason want to hold onto the past and tend to believe things were always better back then. I do think that those of us who understand the possibilities of learning and how technology can aid that will make leaps and bounds in what can be accomplished.